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  1. Instrument Requests
  2. INST-721

Singing Tesla Coil


      Name: Zeusaphone(Wiki Page

      Also known as: Singing Tesla Coil, Thoramin, Musical Lightning

      Wikidata item: Q7523623

      Invented by: Joe DiPrima and Oliver Greaves in 200

      External links:  https://www.created-to-help-you.com/9-unusual-musical-instruments-you-probably-never-heard-about/

       Official Website

      Description: It is a variation of a solid state Tesla coil that has been modified to produce musical tones by modulating its spark output.

      Disambiguation: The musical tones are produced by the passage of spark through the air and the sounds produced by this instrument are similar to those coming from an analogue synthesizer.

            zaphodbeeblebrox ApeKattQuest, MonkeyPython
            KVD Kaushal D
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