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  1. Instrument Requests
  2. INST-415

Research digital vs. electronic vs. electric vs. electromechanical piano


      figure out how these actually differ and such.

      • should the various electromechanical pianoes be subtypes of a generic "electromechanical piano" which is then a type of "electric piano" ?
      • or is that all electric pianos are electromechanical, while the purely electronic ones are synths?
      • reo, what is a "digital" piano?
      • how does keyboards(our instrument) fit into this?
      • at what point does it go from "string" to "electronic" instrument? percussion?
      • ???

            zaphodbeeblebrox ApeKattQuest, MonkeyPython
            zaphodbeeblebrox ApeKattQuest, MonkeyPython
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                Version Package
                sequencer synth moogs etc