Table "musicbrainz.edit" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('edit_id_seq'::regclass) editor | integer | not null type | smallint | not null status | smallint | not null data | text | not null yes_votes | integer | not null default 0 no_votes | integer | not null default 0 autoedit | smallint | not null default 0 open_time | timestamp with time zone | default now() close_time | timestamp with time zone | expire_time | timestamp with time zone | not null language | integer | quality | smallint | not null default 1 Indexes: "edit_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "edit_add_relationship_link_type" btree (extract_path_value(data, 'link_type/id'::text)) WHERE type = 90 "edit_close_time_idx" btree (close_time) "edit_date_trunc_idx" btree (date_trunc('day'::text, timezone('UTC'::text, open_time))) "edit_date_trunc_idx1" btree (date_trunc('day'::text, timezone('UTC'::text, close_time))) "edit_date_trunc_idx2" btree (date_trunc('day'::text, timezone('UTC'::text, expire_time))) "edit_edit_relationship_link_type_link" btree (extract_path_value(data, 'link/link_type/id'::text)) WHERE type = 91 "edit_edit_relationship_link_type_new" btree (extract_path_value(data, 'new/link_type/id'::text)) WHERE type = 91 "edit_edit_relationship_link_type_old" btree (extract_path_value(data, 'old/link_type/id'::text)) WHERE type = 91 "edit_id_idx" btree (id) WHERE status = 1 "edit_idx_close_time" btree (close_time) "edit_idx_editor_id_desc" btree (editor, id DESC) "edit_idx_editor_open_time" btree (editor, open_time) "edit_idx_expire_time" btree (expire_time) "edit_idx_status_id" btree (status, id) WHERE status <> 2 "edit_idx_type_id" btree (type, id) "edit_open_time_idx" btree (open_time) "edit_open_time_idx1" btree (open_time) WHERE status = 1 "edit_remove_relationship_link_type" btree (extract_path_value(data, 'relationship/link/type/id'::text)) WHERE type = 92 "edit_status_idx" btree (status) WHERE status = 1 Foreign-key constraints: "edit_fk_editor" FOREIGN KEY (editor) REFERENCES editor(id) "edit_fk_language" FOREIGN KEY (language) REFERENCES language(id) Referenced by: TABLE "cover_art_archive.cover_art" CONSTRAINT "cover_art_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_area" CONSTRAINT "edit_area_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_artist" CONSTRAINT "edit_artist_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_event" CONSTRAINT "edit_event_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_instrument" CONSTRAINT "edit_instrument_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_label" CONSTRAINT "edit_label_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_note" CONSTRAINT "edit_note_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_place" CONSTRAINT "edit_place_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_recording" CONSTRAINT "edit_recording_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_release" CONSTRAINT "edit_release_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_release_group" CONSTRAINT "edit_release_group_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_series" CONSTRAINT "edit_series_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_url" CONSTRAINT "edit_url_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "edit_work" CONSTRAINT "edit_work_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "editor_subscribe_artist_deleted" CONSTRAINT "editor_subscribe_artist_deleted_deleted_by_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (deleted_by) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "editor_subscribe_artist" CONSTRAINT "editor_subscribe_artist_last_edit_sent_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (last_edit_sent) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "editor_subscribe_label_deleted" CONSTRAINT "editor_subscribe_label_deleted_deleted_by_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (deleted_by) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "editor_subscribe_label" CONSTRAINT "editor_subscribe_label_last_edit_sent_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (last_edit_sent) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "editor_subscribe_series_deleted" CONSTRAINT "editor_subscribe_series_deleted_fk_deleted_by" FOREIGN KEY (deleted_by) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "editor_subscribe_series" CONSTRAINT "editor_subscribe_series_fk_last_edit_sent" FOREIGN KEY (last_edit_sent) REFERENCES edit(id) TABLE "vote" CONSTRAINT "vote_fk_edit" FOREIGN KEY (edit) REFERENCES edit(id) Triggers: a_upd_edit AFTER UPDATE ON edit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE a_upd_edit() inserting_edits_requires_confirmed_email_address BEFORE INSERT ON edit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE inserting_edits_requires_confirmed_email_address()